Real Estate Law | Silberman Law Firm, PLLC - Part 18

Lis Pendens in Texas

In a pending lawsuit where title or an ownership interest concerning real property is at issue, an interested party may file a lis pendens to notify the public that the real estate is subject to controversy. Lis Pendens is a Latin term that means “a pending lawsuit” and is defined as “a notice, recorded in […]


Jurisdiction Issues in Eviction Lawsuits

There are four types of trial courts in Texas: district courts, county courts, justice courts, and county courts at law. Each court must have jurisdiction or authority to hear and decide a case. Tex. R. Civ. P. 500.2 (p) (West 2017). One of the factors in determining jurisdiction is the amount in controversy, and each […]


Understanding the Differences Between a Right of First Refusal and a Right of First Opportunity

Rights of first refusal and rights of first opportunity are commonly referred to as preferential rights and routinely appear as part of real estate contracts. The differences and effects concerning these rights are not always clear.Right of First RefusalBlack’s Law Dictionary defines right of first refusal as “a potential buyer’s contractual right to meet the […]


Texas Transfer on Death Deeds

The Texas legislature enacted the Texas Real Property Transfer on Death Act which provides Texans an opportunity to transfer real property and avoid probate. As of September 1, 2015, Texas law allows an individual to create a transfer on death deed (TODD). A TODD is made inter vivos (during one’s lifetime) and allows an individual […]


Texas Residential Construction Liability Act (TRCLA)

To resolve construction defect disputes with a residential home builder or remodeler, Texas homeowners must currently follow the procedures set forth under the Texas Residential Construction Liability Act (RCLA). The RCLA was enacted in 1989 to help resolve construction disputes between homeowners and contractors and limit the liability of residential builders. Since 1989, various amendments […]


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