Litigation | Silberman Law Firm, PLLC - Part 5

Civil Conspiracy in Texas

Texas courts acknowledge that two or more people may conspire against another and, in the process, cause damage to that person. If someone can prove that he or she has suffered damages as a result of others’ collusion, that person may file a lawsuit on the basis of civil conspiracy. Elements of Civil Conspiracy In […]


Business Disparagement in Texas

Texas law offers recourse if someone knowingly and falsely spreads information which causes harm. The focus of that false information, however, determines whether the false information is classified as defamation or business disparagement. While each can be damaging to a reputation, business disparagement differs from defamation in a critical way. Defamation occurs if an individual’s […]


Motions for Substituted Service in Texas

When conflict cannot be resolved, sometimes legal action is the only recourse. Once a client and attorney determine that the client has a viable reason to file a lawsuit, the attorney will draft and file a petition.  Because that petition informs the defendant of the claims against him or her as well as the relief […]


What to Know Before Filing a Lawsuit in Texas

When a business or other relationship sours, conflict often escalates, sometimes to the point of legal action. Before taking such drastic and costly action, it is wise to determine what exactly a lawsuit in Texas involves and to carefully consider whether the potential advantages of a lawsuit outweigh the costs. Even if a client and […]


The Basics of a Texas Petition

Filing a lawsuit begins what is generally a long, costly process. After consulting an attorney to determine that the facts warrant a lawsuit, the attorney must then draft a document that outlines the claims against the defendant, including how exactly the plaintiff has been harmed by the defendant and the plaintiff’s claim for relief. Other […]


Serving a Defendant with a Lawsuit in Texas

Filing a lawsuitis not an easy decision, and it often has long-term repercussions for all parties involved. After collaborating with an attorney to determine that a lawsuit is the best course of action, the attorney then drafts, files, and serves a petition to the defendant named in the lawsuit. Like other processes in litigation, the […]


Motions to Withdraw in Texas

Since most people turn to an attorney when they need help with serious, often complex issues, the client-attorney relationship is an important one. Most often those relationships are cooperative and beneficial. For a number of reasons, however, attorney-client relationships may end before expected. More complicated than a simple verbal break-up, the attorney must adhere to […]