Business Law | Silberman Law Firm, PLLC - Part 5

Trademark and Service Mark Registration in Texas

A successful business often creates unique graphics, slogans, and logos to promote customer recognition of its products and/or services. The power of such branding is its ability to help customers link specific goods or services to a particular business. Therefore, protecting that exclusive image is of paramount importance to a business. Fortunately, Texas law details […]


Strategic Partnerships in Texas

Business owners who want to grow their business have many options available to them. Creating strong relationships with employees and customers is important, but another way to gain greater success is to partner with other companies, something called a strategic partnership. Complementary Offerings Businesses may form strategic partnerships to share resources, such as information, services, […]


Intellectual Property License Infringement vs Breach of Contract

An Intellectual Property License allows an innovator, the licensor, to protect and capitalize on that intellectual property. It allows another party, the licensee, to use that IP, which may take such forms as trade secrets, operational knowledge, registered designs, or proprietary information. Ideally, the relationship is complementary; the licensor profits by allowing the licensee to […]


Stark Law in Texas

Named after Congressman Pete Stark, the Stark Law amended the Social Security Act to limit a referring physician’s ability to refer Medicare and Medicaid patients in ways that benefit the physician. Also known as a self-referral law, it was enacted to fight healthcare fraud and abuse by decreasing the opportunity for a physician to receive […]


Licensing Intellectual Property in Texas

Historically, the United States has placed high value on protecting a person’s original work, going all the way back to when George Washington signed into law the Copyright Act of 1790. The first work registered under the copyright law was a spelling book written by John Barry. Today, Intellectual Property takes many forms, such as […]


Corporate Dissolution in Texas

Just as there are good reasons and specific procedures for creating a corporation in Texas, there are good reasons and specific procedures for dissolving corporations as well. Whether it’s due to retirement, a falling out with business partners, or financial issues, corporate dissolution is sometimes the best option. However, failing to follow state requirements to […]


Corporate Reorganization in Texas

When business owners create a corporation, they try to anticipate for future growth. Despite those efforts, however, the corporation may need to reorganize in order to increase profits, client base, efficiency, and/or funding. The goal of reorganizing is to lay a stronger foundation for future success. Generally, reorganization only happens when businesses encounter serious issues, […]


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